Highlighting the profession of Occupational Therapy at Western Health

With October being Occupational Therapy month, Western Health is featuring one of our own Occupational Therapists who has been making many positive contributions to the health and well being of patients, clients and residents in the Bonne Bay/ Port Saunders area for many years. Sara Jenniex graduated from Dalhousie University in 2011 with a Master of Science in Occupational Therapy, having completed her undergraduate Bachelor of Kinesiology Honours (Co-operative) at Memorial University of Newfoundland. In July 2011, Sarah accepted her first position in Bonne Bay/Port Saunders and has been with us ever since. Sara provides service across the full continuum of care; seeing inpatients in acute care, residents in long term care and community clients in their homes to enhance their participation in daily occupations of value to them.

“I really enjoy working with community clients and their families in their homes,” Sara says.

As a member of the health care team, Sara brings her expertise in assessing and providing recommendations for maximizing clients’ ability to maintain their participation in activities of importance to them. Sara has a special interest in helping people maintain their ability to drive, a key activity of daily living for many people that becomes challenging with age or life events that can impact physical or cognitive function. With this is mind, Sara enrolled in the Master of Clinical Science in Driving Rehabilitation Therapy at the University of Western Ontario. She completed the program in December 2016 and is helping the Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Occupational Therapists to develop best practice guidelines to address clients’ fitness to drive in Newfoundland and Labrador.

When she isn’t working, Sara enjoys living in the Gros Morne area and participating in outdoor activities such as hiking and kayaking, as well as travelling.

We thank all of our Occupational Therapists for everything they do to enrich lives of clients, patients and residents, and for their dedication to the profession of Occupational Therapy.

The staff, patients and clients of the Bonne Bay/Port Saunders wish Sara the best while she is off on maternity leave after the birth of her baby boy. Enjoy every minute of time with your new little one!

Terri Walters, Clinical Occupational Therapist